The community of Chauffard has 5 schools. The main village of Chauffard has one and there are 4 more in Procy, Laval, Bois D’Orme, and Malanga. Student population varies from year to year, depending on the financial means of the parents. There are 12 teachers in the main school of Chauffard and 24 teachers in the surrounding schools. A small subsidy from the government, student tuition, and donations from Haiti in Our Hands are used to pay the teachers and lunch cooks their salaries of $40 to $101 per month.
The effects of the 2010 earthquake
In January 2010, the earthquake that struck Haiti collapsed 4 of the 5 schools of Chauffard. We have temporary schools in place but they are not fit for purpose. In the rainy season, conditions become very difficult and the children are not able to learn.
![The main school of Chauffard which collapsed in the earthquake](
The main school of Chauffard which collapsed in the earthquake
The Temporary School of Chauffard
In 2010 thanks to the generous donors of Haiti in our Hands, the people of Chauffard were able to build a temporary school to have their children back learning as quick as possible. This school consisted of approximately 12 classrooms filled with desks and a blackboard. However, the conditions were not ideal and in the extreme weather conditions the school was simply not fit for purpose.
![The frame of the temporary school during construction](
The frame of temporary school during construction
![The site of the old school with the temporary school adjacent](
The site of the old school with the temporary school adjacent
As you can see, it was clear a new school needed to be built. In 2012, the diocese of Port au Prince enlisted the help of Caritas to rebuild the Chauffard school.