Haiti in our Hands envisions the people of Haiti leading a life free from poverty where their basic needs of humanity are met. A life where the Haitian people have enough food to eat, enough clean water to drink, a home to live in and have a family, access to world class healthcare and education, job opportunities and a place of worship.
Haiti in our Hands believes the people of Haiti are amongst the most deserving in the world and our efforts will make a huge positive impact. We believe that through poverty alleviation, healthcare provision and access to education, the people of Haiti can lead the lives they deserve and raise the country back on to its feet once more. Haiti in our Hands believes in a “hand up, not a hand out” approach. We believe in empowering the Haitian people to help themselves resulting in long term, sustainable results.
Haiti in our Hands has both long term and short term objectives for the community of Chauffard. The short term objectives are to be addressed within 2-5 years and the long term objectives met within 5-10 years.
Short Term Objectives
- Continue to provide a healthcare service through the Medical Missions,
- Meet the costs of the school meals and staff salaries of Chauffard school,
- This is on-going and the main activities for us.
- Reconstruct the clinic which collapsed in the 2010 earthquake,
- Clinic was officially opened in Nov 2017.
Long Term Objectives
- Improve the road leading to Chauffard
- Conduct workshops to train the people of Chauffard in new business ventures
- Educate the people on the negative effects of deforestation
- Replant trees in the Chauffard countryside to prevent landslides
- Provide lighting to the homes of Chauffard
Haiti in our Hands are committed to fulfilling the objectives above. We depend greatly on the generosity of our supporters.